巴黎恐攻後,法國媒體《Le Petit Journal》記者日前街訪巴黎民眾,其中,一對來自越南、現定居在巴黎的父子兩人的對話令人動容,記者問小男孩知不知道發生了什麼事情,小男孩說知道,還說「我們必須非常小心,還必須搬家。」
記者將這段感人的影片配上英文字幕,而這句鼓舞人心的話也製成圖片上傳到了臉書,頓時引起廣大的迴響,有網友還想起了電影「真善美」 的主題曲「小白花(Edelweiss)」。而這位爸爸也在貼文下留言回覆,永遠以身為自己的同胞感到自豪。
French father and son have the most precious conversation in i...A father and son have the most precious conversation during an interview by french media at the scene of the Bataclan attacks. I saw that it hadn't been subtitled in english yet, so I made a quick edit to show the rest of the world how freakin awesome some of our citizens are. They're my heros. I feel better too now! #paris #bataclan #parisattacksImages and interview are a courtesy of Le Petit Journal . Thank you so much to the LPJ team for this interview and a very touching segment yesterday! Also, thank you for letting this video be accessed by all and not putting it down. Thank you to Angel Le (father) and Brandon (son) for brightening up our day. <3 Original Segment: http://bit.ly/1Lix9L2Original Video (without subtitles): https://www.facebook.com/PetitJournalYannBarthes/videos/1013093998733798/
由 Jerome Isaac Rousseau 貼上了 2015年11月16日
▼電影「真善美」 的主題曲「小白花(Edelweiss)」
☆ 黑色星期五 法國巴黎恐怖攻擊專題看這裡:http://goo.gl/TrI2Dd