5 constellations have good luck in the beginning of Autumn


這篇文章介紹了一位風水數學專家—邱彥龍,他提醒大家這段時間會受到金星和海王星的逆行影響,情緒變得較不穩定,財富和價值面臨著震盪,並且容易遇到壞人。此外,作者還提到只有15個產業會繁榮。文章充分表達了對這段時間的慎重評估和提醒,提醒大家迎接逆境,把握機遇。 然而,在這篇文章中,我們希望能夠看到更多具體的分析和具體的建議。例如,作者可以指出哪些產業有可能會繁榮?如何防範那些會利用逆行事件來進行欺詐行為的騙徒?這樣的分析和建議將有助於讀者更好地應對這段時期的挑戰。總的來說,這篇文章提供了一個提醒和警醒的角度,但需要更多的具體剖析和建議,這樣才能更有效地幫助讀者面對這段難忘的時期。

這篇文章介紹了一位風水數學專家—邱彥龍,他提醒大家這段時間會受到金星和海王星的逆行影響,情緒變得較不穩定,財富和價值面臨著震盪,並且容易遇到壞人。此外,作者還提到只有15個產業會繁榮。文章充分表達了對這段時間的慎重評估和提醒,提醒大家迎接逆境,把握機遇。 然而,在這篇文章中,我們希望能夠看到更多具體的分析和具體的建議。例如,作者可以指出哪些產業有可能會繁榮?如何防範那些會利用逆行事件來進行欺詐行為的騙徒?這樣的分析和建議將有助於讀者更好地應對這段時期的挑戰。總的來說,這篇文章提供了一個提醒和警醒的角度,但需要更多的具體剖析和建議,這樣才能更有效地幫助讀者面對這段難忘的時期。


Q1: What does Master Chiu Yanlong suggest people do during the retrograde of Venus? A. Be less emotional B. Spend more money C. Trust people easily D. Take risks Answer: A. Be less emotional Q2: What may happen due to the retrograde of Neptune? A. Prosperity in all industries B. The appearance of fraudulent groups C. Emotional stability D. Wealth accumulation Answer: B. The appearance of fraudulent groups Q3: How many industries will be prosperous during the autumn season according to Master Chiu Yanlong? A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 Answer: C. 15

Q1: What does Master Chiu Yanlong suggest people do during the retrograde of Venus? A. Be less emotional B. Spend more money C. Trust people easily D. Take risks Answer: A. Be less emotional Q2: What may happen due to the retrograde of Neptune? A. Prosperity in all industries B. The appearance of fraudulent groups C. Emotional stability D. Wealth accumulation Answer: B. The appearance of fraudulent groups Q3: How many industries will be prosperous during the autumn season according to Master Chiu Yanlong? A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 Answer: C. 15

Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that keeping one's own pocket is the top priority during 8/8~8/23. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that keeping one's own pocket is the top priority during 8/8~8/23. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

The beginning of Autumn is here! Venus and Neptune are retrograde, fraud from villain is prevalent, only 15 industries are prosperous

By Master Chiu Yanlong

Last Tuesday (8/8) is Father's Day in Taiwan, which is also the beginning of autumn this year. Master Chiu Yenlung, an international Feng Shui and numerology expert, reminded that during this period, due to the retrograde of Venus, you will feel less emotional, your wealth and values will face shocks, and there will be a lot of villains. , plus Neptune is also retrograde, fraudulent groups may come out in full force, and keeping one's own pocket is the top priority of this solar term. However, during the beginning of autumn, Jupiter and Saturn are very prosperous, which is conducive to the development of 15 industries and 5 constellations.

Master Chiu Yenlung said that in fact, as early as July 24, Venus began to retrograde, and it will continue until September 5. During this period, the relationship will feel weaker and weaker, testing each other's wealth and values. And if Venus retrograde is zoomed in on the whole society, including economic revitalization plans put forward by all parties, more communication and coordination are needed. If it only benefit a small number of people, it will only be a waste of work in the end.

Master Chiu Yenlung also reminded that during this period of time, the stock market, banking, and securities industries will face ups and downs, and they must be particularly cautious. The expansion of industry and commerce is also easily hindered, and may be delayed by sudden changes or fail due to poor thinking. Everything must have a long-term perspective planning.

Master Chiu Yenlung emphasized that during the 16 days of the beginning of autumn, Venus will retrograde and enter phases to Uranus and Jupiter one after another. It is easy to lose money because of saving face, break up because you are too stubborn, and unhappy because you can’t afford to lose. Don’t indulge yourself, seek pleasure, and love vanity, so as not to fall into the situation of Venus retrograde. In particular, at this time, Neptune retrograde also comes to play, which means that fraudulent groups will dispatch a large number of pictures of handsome men and beautiful women to deceive others' wealth and emotions everywhere. Do be cautious and guard your own wealth.

Physically, you should pay attention to the diagnosis of the COVID, cardiopulmonary function, breathing problems, colds and fevers, sore throats and infections. You should also pay attention to diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, liver, pancreas, kidneys, thyroid tumors, lymph gland diseases, varicose veins, edema, muscle strain, fasciitis, etc.

The good news is that Jupiter and Saturn are the most prosperous stars during the Beginning of Autumn Period. Master Chiu Yenlung analyzed that this is very beneficial to charity, welfare organizations, lawyers, judicial industry, religion, numerology, art and culture, education industry, music, dance, painting, The development of the entertainment industry, and if the construction industry, mining industry, and manufacturing industry can take advantage of the beginning of autumn to upgrade, they will have a lot of wealth opportunities. Congratulations to the five zodiac signs including Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, Aries, and Aquarius. They have good luck during the beginning of autumn.

Master Chiu Yenlung quoted the hexagram "Yilin Tunzhi Need" and said: "Xiatai Yuli, soup: Wen Suo'er." Ghost Marquis Yu bribed, and Shang Wang released his house. 』To summarize and explain that during the period of the beginning of autumn, because of the strong killing spirit, it is easy to commit disputes and bloody disasters. Be careful of people or things hiding in the dark, such as villains, black-box operations, and plans are stuck, etc. Be careful with lawsuit or even jail term because of writing article or speaking in public. You can avoid evil by being cautious in your words and deeds.

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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