
Autumnal equinox affects your fortune in the second half of a year

Master Yenlung Chiu said that if you know how to use the fire in the five elements for blessing, you can look forward to the direction of blessing. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Master Yenlung Chiu said that if you know how to use the fire in the five elements for blessing, you can look forward to the direction of blessing. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

The autumnal equinox affects your fortune in the second half of the year! Numerology Expert: Being closer to the "Five Elements of Fire" can bring good luck and avoid bad luck 

By Master Chiu Yanlong

9/23 is the autumnal equinox. Master Chiu Yenlung, an international star Feng Shui numerology expert, reminds us that the autumnal equinox affects the world's fortune from September in the second half of the year to March next year. It is a very important time. At this time, the international environment is prone to drastic changes. As for Individuals are also prone to migration, moving, and changing life circles and life tracks. Whether it is a blessing or a curse depends on whether the blessings accumulated in previous lives and daily life are sufficient. Master Chiu Yenlung said that if you know how to use the fire in the five elements for blessing, you can look forward to the direction of blessing. 

As for which industries belong to fire among the five elements, Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that as long as you know how to cooperate or cooperate well with these industries or people, such as government agencies, large enterprises, prestigious business people, celebrities or media, you will have more opportunities in the second half of the year. Misfortune turns into good fortune, wealth leaps forward, and the bigger and more famous the partner is, the greater the blessing is. However, Master Chiu Yenlung also reminded that in the process of cooperation, we should also be careful of hidden villains who will engage in power struggles due to psychological imbalances or issues such as money and pride. We should especially be careful when traveling or leaving because of being secretly accused. There  is strong possibility that the villain might put you in trouble. 

In addition, Master Chiu Yenlung also reminded that special attention should be paid to fraud, forgery, and immoral things during the autumnal equinox and the second half of the year, especially in the hotel industry, seafood industry, shipping, transportation, chemical industry, beverage, and food industry. In industries such as the Internet, we must guard our own wealth and guard against "drug and fraud" problems. In addition, the entertainment industry may not be calm in the second half of this year, and there will be sudden reforms, which must be restricted by laws or regulations. In addition to the entertainment industry, Master Chiu Yenlung also reminded that the hardware industry, painting art circle, music circle, wedding industry, and children's industry will also be susceptible to a lot of pressure and restrictions in the second half of the year, and there will be lawsuits, bankruptcies, break-ups, destruction, injuries, or financial problems. In the event of a dispute, it is recommended that you communicate directly about everything and let a lawyer review the contract before signing, which can save a lot of trouble later. 

In addition, Master Chiu Yenlung also pointed out that during the 16 days of the autumnal equinox, Venus will retrograde and enter its phase, and will successively square Uranus and Jupiter. During this period, you must not indulge yourself, be greedy for pleasure or covet other people's wealth. Otherwise it is easy to lose big for small things. At the same time, it is very easy to fall out if you put your own pressure on others. However, the Sun and Mercury are very strong during the autumnal equinox, which is beneficial of heads of state, officials, big entrepreneurs, Internet celebrities, entertainers, celebrities, gold and jewelers, cultural and art industries, news and publishing industries, live broadcasters, importers and exporters, etc. The industry will have good development, especially those whose sun sign or rising sign is in Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Capricorn, can have fame, wealth and the help of noble people during this period. 

Master Chiu Yenlung quoted the hexagram of "Yilin Tun Zhidui" and said: "The road is secluded, south to Dongliao." Wei Zi's eloquence made the country worry-free.” to explain that during the autumnal equinox, there are many difficulties for everyone, people, places and things, and you need to rely on communication, marketing, and promotion to get through the joints and make yourself invincible. 

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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