
《玩命8》將殺青巨石強森揪劇組爽慶功 馮迪索:老子閃人


電影《玩命關頭》系列在全球擁有高討論度,最新一集《玩命8》預計再一周就殺青,然而卻爆出巨石強森(Dwayne Johnson)與「唐老大」馮迪索(Vin Diesel)不合,巨石強森8日直接在Instagram上怒譙「某男星」是懦夫,甚至有傳聞《玩命8》有可能拍攝期會延宕。

玩命關頭,馮迪索,巨石強森,Vin Diesel 圖/達志影像


巨石強森8日公開點名《玩命8》「某男星」很大牌什麼事情都不做,根本是個懦夫,而美媒推測那位男星就是指馮迪索。根據美媒《TMZ》報導,馮迪索10日到巨石強森的片場休息室當面問他為什麼要亂放話,但兩人並未將話說開。當天凌晨馮迪索拍完最後一場戲時,他聚集工作人員道別,最後說一句:「老子閃人(Daddy's gone)」被認為他將自己視為「玩命關頭系列之父」。


玩命關頭,馮迪索,巨石強森,Vin Diesel 圖/翻攝自IG



My FINAL WEEK of shooting #FastAndFurious. There's no greatness ever achieved alone.. it's always a team effort. We promised an epic prison break out for you guys and we delivered. HUGE THANK YOU to my ohana (family) stunt coordinator JJ Perry and his bad ass fearless stunt team - as well as my cousin and incredible stunt double @samoanstuntman. Thank you team for the willingness to "die hard" and drop your blood & sweat daily for our movie. #MyStuntBrothers #Loco4Life You guys reading this know how much I believe in the idea of TEAM EFFORT. That means respecting every person, their time and their value when they step on to my set or partner with our production company. And like with any team - that's a family - there's gonna be conflict. Family is gonna have differences of opinion and fundamental core beliefs. To me, conflict can be a good thing, when its followed by great resolution. I was raised on healthy conflict and welcome it. And like any family, we get better from it. At the end of the day me and #F8 co-stars all agree on the most important thing: Delivering an incredible movie to the world. #Fast8 #IcemanCometh #FamilyGrowth

therock(@therock)張貼的影片 於 張貼


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