
【The China Post 每日精選】:一

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Peini Beatrice Hsieh (謝佩霓), former commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government (臺北市政府文化局), was recently made a "Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres" (Knight in the Order of Arts and Letters) — one of the highest cultural awards from France — in recognition of her outstanding contribution to culture.



Benoît Guidée, director of the Bureau Français, bestowed the award on Hsieh on behalf of the French Ministry of Culture during a ceremony at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei (台北當代藝術館) on March 8.

Speaking at the ceremony, Hsieh credited her family, friends and colleagues for the award, without whom she could not have accomplished such outstanding work. Her voice trembling with emotion, she described the French medal as a reward to Taiwanese society as whole.

Guidée hailed Hsieh's career, personality and contribution to cultural relations between Taiwan and France and between Taiwan and Europe.

Passionate about arts, Hsieh started her career in Taichung before joining the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館) and later Taipei City Government. She has developed many collaborative projects to allow a wider public access to the arts. In particular, her determination was instrumental to the successful organization of the first Nuit Blanche in Taipei in 2016, in cooperation with the French Bureau. 


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