旅美投手陳偉殷日前遭水手隊釋出,中華職棒大聯盟會長吳志揚9日將和陳偉殷餐敘,了解他有沒有返台加盟中華職棒的意願,但飯都還沒吃卻有媒體用「確定了!」報導陳偉殷加盟中職的消息,陳偉殷7日在臉書粉絲頁發出中、英文聲明,強調目前仍在尋求國外職棒的機會,並用「misleading news reports(誤導性報導)」駁斥加盟中職的消息。
陳偉殷在臉書PO了一張練投的照片,貼文先用中文寫道:「最近持續在訓練,也即將進入sim game的階段,經紀公司正積極幫我尋求國外的機會,目前,我能做的事,仍是準備好自己,謝謝大家對我未來動態的關心!」
但在貼文下方的英文PO文,陳偉殷卻提到了「There were some misleading news reports claiming that I am joining a team in Taiwan this season.」中譯是「有些誤解性報導指出,本季我會回到台灣打職棒。」
最近持續在訓練,也即將進入sim game的階段,經紀公司正積極幫我尋求國外的機會,目前,我能做的事,仍是準備好自己,謝謝大家對我未來動態的關心!
There were some misleading news reports claiming that I am joining a team in Taiwan this season. While I would be honored to play in my hometown should the right opportunity arise in the future, there has been absolutely no discussion regarding these claims. These baseless news stories were fabricated without ever talking to me. The only thing I am focused on right now is to make myself ready for whatever comes next. Look forward to seeing you guys on the field!