
好心提醒卻得到這種回應 網友:天下商人一個樣


在台灣發生八仙塵爆的不幸事件後,有網友就寫信提醒外國的The Color Run公司,彩色派對恐有發生粉塵爆炸的危險性。不過The Color Run公司回應表示,自己所用的色粉和八仙事件不同,且通過歐盟認證,安全無虞。不少網友就笑說,這回覆和之前呂忠吉的說法還真是如出一轍阿!

The Color Run公司,彩色路跑(圖/取自The Color Run官網)

▲The Color Run公司官網(圖/翻攝自The Color Run官網)

PTT八卦板友sumitani545表示,其實自己也曾參加過國外的彩色路跑活動,在活動結束後通常都會有個類似的彩色派對。網友說,這個派對中所使用的粉塵濃度並不亞於此次八仙塵爆,於是他熱心地向Color Run公司提出警訊。

彩色路跑,色粉,玉米粉,Color Run(圖/取自http://www.holipower.de/en/)


The Color Run公司回信表示,自己使用的粉末通過多項測試,也已取得歐盟認可,和八仙塵爆所用的並不相同。The Color Run公司強調,做為一家專業的活動策劃公司,他們會進行徹底的測試,以確保材料和活動的安全性。文末還重申,他們已舉辦超過500場類似活動,有超過400萬參與者,且「從沒有任何燒燙傷的案例」,未來也會繼續致力於舉辦安全可靠的活動。



看到Color Run公司的回信,和八仙派對負責人呂忠吉的說法如出一轍,不少網友留言狂酸,「呂之前也這樣說阿」、「沒爆之前都說很安全」、「爆一次才會學乖」、「人都是鐵齒的」、「天下商人一個樣」。

The Color Run公司回應全文:

Hi, Chris!

Just as a follow up, “The Color Run™ can confirm that all of the powder used in its Asia-Pacific events has been tested for flammability and successfully passed the required EU standards. The powder used in the tragic incident in Taipei is different from that used in The Color Run™ events and was not provided by the The Color Run™ supplier.

As previously stated, The Color Run™ and its sponsors, partners, and affiliates have no association with the venue, organizers, or equipment used at the Taipei event. However, we take the events that occurred in Taipei very seriously as the health and safety of our participants and our employees has always been at the forefront of our minds and actions. As a professional events company with highly vetted policies and processes, we conduct thorough testing to ensure the safety of our materials and their application and we are confident in the safety of our events.

The Color Run™ has hosted more than 500 global events with more than four million participants without any fire-related incidents. We remain committed to staging safe and secure events.”




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