
Today is Xiaoman! 14 industries and 4 constellations are ominous


這篇文章提到了五月份的一個節氣“小滿”,以及國際天文命理風水大師邱彥龍的一些觀點。邱彥龍指出,現在正值火星和冥王星在180度位置的影響期,可能會導致人與人之間的嚴重衝突,尤其是那些屬於14個不吉祥行業和4個不吉祥星座的人。 從科學的角度來看,星座和行業並不影響一個人的個性或運勢,這些都是基於古代的迷信觀念和偏見形成的。然而,從心理學的角度來看,人們可能會因為自身的信仰而將這些迷信因素視為真實存在的事實,並從中獲得心理上的慰籍或指引。 因此,這篇文章提供了一些關於星象和命理的觀點,但並不應作為真正的事實來解讀。人們應該以理性和科學的態度對待這些話題,並不要盲目迷信和信仰。

這篇文章提到了五月份的一個節氣“小滿”,以及國際天文命理風水大師邱彥龍的一些觀點。邱彥龍指出,現在正值火星和冥王星在180度位置的影響期,可能會導致人與人之間的嚴重衝突,尤其是那些屬於14個不吉祥行業和4個不吉祥星座的人。 從科學的角度來看,星座和行業並不影響一個人的個性或運勢,這些都是基於古代的迷信觀念和偏見形成的。然而,從心理學的角度來看,人們可能會因為自身的信仰而將這些迷信因素視為真實存在的事實,並從中獲得心理上的慰籍或指引。 因此,這篇文章提供了一些關於星象和命理的觀點,但並不應作為真正的事實來解讀。人們應該以理性和科學的態度對待這些話題,並不要盲目迷信和信仰。


Q1: What is the special solar term on Sunday (5/21)? A. Xiaoman B. Li Xia C. Mang Zhong D. Duan Wu Correct answer: A. Xiaoman Q2: According to Master Chiu Yenlung, which two evil stars are in opposition from May 11th to the end of May? A. Mars and Saturn B. Mars and Jupiter C. Mars and Venus D. Mars and Pluto Correct answer: D. Mars and Pluto Q3: Which rising signs, sun signs, and moon signs are most challenged during the influence of the two evil stars? A. Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius B. Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius C. Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces D. Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit Correct answer: C. Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

Q1: What is the special solar term on Sunday (5/21)? A. Xiaoman B. Li Xia C. Mang Zhong D. Duan Wu Correct answer: A. Xiaoman Q2: According to Master Chiu Yenlung, which two evil stars are in opposition from May 11th to the end of May? A. Mars and Saturn B. Mars and Jupiter C. Mars and Venus D. Mars and Pluto Correct answer: D. Mars and Pluto Q3: Which rising signs, sun signs, and moon signs are most challenged during the influence of the two evil stars? A. Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius B. Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius C. Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces D. Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit Correct answer: C. Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that in fact, from May 11th until the end of May, it is easy to have serious conflicts between people. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that in fact, from May 11th until the end of May, it is easy to have serious conflicts between people. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

Xiaoman meets Mars and Pluto by chance on Sunday, the Grand Cross is in opposition, 14 industries and 4 constellations are ominous

By Master Chiu Yanlong

This Sunday (5/21) is the solar term "Xiaoman". Master Chiu Yenlung , an international astronomical numerology and Feng Shui expert, reminded that in fact, from May 11th until the end of May, under the influence of the two evil stars Mars and Pluto (in 180 degree position), it is easy to have serious conflicts between people, and the most challenge ones are people whose rising signs, sun signs, and moon signs fall in Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo. In addition, under the influence of one good (Jupiter), four bad (Mars, Pluto, Rahu, Ketu ) positions as a “Grand Cross”, there will be property losses or disaster impacting in 14 industries.

Master Chiu Yenlung , an international expert in Feng Shui and numerology, reminded that from May 11th to May 30th, Mars is opposed to Pluto (in 180 degree position). The result of the strong collision of the two inauspicious stars will cause the accumulation of negative energy to explode instantly, which means that interpersonal conflicts are likely to reach peaks, including violence, suicide, casualty, accident, anger, bullying, etc. Furthermore, it leads to serious loss in emotion, wealth, and life.

Master Chiu Yenlung further analyzed and pointed out that most of the inauspicious stars in 2023 will fall in fixed constellations, therefore people who include rising signs, sun signs, and moon signs falling in Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Leo will have more problems to solve. For such a predicament, success or failure depends on one's thinking, depending on how you think. At the same time, don't forget that you need to have a healthy body to cope with difficulties, so you should also strengthen your health care.

In addition, Master Chiu Yenlung also reminded that during the 16 days of the Xiaoman solar terms (5/21-6/6), we will encounter Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu again (Grand Cross). Business such as trading, chemical industry, medical and pharmaceutical industry, charity and welfare, judicial circles, religious circles, banking, insurance, business circles, as well as mining, real estate, oil, construction, and even hotels and illegal drug industries will be greatly affected , There may be old issues that will be revealed or lawsuits will arise, causing disasters and property losses.

Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that during this period, these people including government officials, celebrities, business owners, etc., might face more issues. The best way to resolve these problem is to face them. During these period, Libra, Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini and Cancer, you will be accompanied by considerable good luck during this period.

Master Chiu Yenlung also quoted, "Yilin·The Great Mistakes of Tun": "Xiang sends off Ji Nu, as for the way. Qizi stays there for a long time. 』To illustrate that Xiaoman's solar terms are easy to mess up everything, the old patterns and rules will be broken, and the power and position are easy to be controlled or robbed as bargaining chips, and there are even rare cases where the wife becomes a mistress, a husband becomes a son, and a mother becomes an aunt, etc. Strange things happen, and those who are powerful should also be careful of being quickly defeated by the front-line replacement, which will affect their mood.

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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