
The fortunes of the 5 zodiac signs are booming during "Great Heat"


這篇文章介紹了香港的一位國際命理風水師Master Chiu Yanlong對五個星座在大熱天氣期間的運勢預測。在文章中,他表示進入夏季的最後一個節氣“大暑”不僅意味著天氣更加炎熱潮濕,而且意味著秋天即將到來,從炎熱中得到解放近在咫尺。 命理和風水是中國文化中一個比較複雜的東西,它們根據人的生日和命盤等方面的不同內容,推算出人在不同時間的運勢和面對的各種問題。這篇文章中,Master Chiu Yanlong根據他的經驗和知識,預測了五個星座在大熱天氣期間運勢的好壞。然而,人的命運是由自己的行為和決定所影響的,相信命運預測只是提供一個參考和建議。 至於“大暑”節氣,它是中國二十四節氣之一,通常出現在北半球的7月23日或24日,這時候氣溫最高,達到了整個夏季的最高點,因此要做好防曬和保濕等措施,注意保持水分和健康。 總的來說,這篇文章通俗易懂,介紹了一個有趣的主題,但命運預測只是提供一個參考,在行動中才能實現自己的願望和目標。

這篇文章介紹了香港的一位國際命理風水師Master Chiu Yanlong對五個星座在大熱天氣期間的運勢預測。在文章中,他表示進入夏季的最後一個節氣“大暑”不僅意味著天氣更加炎熱潮濕,而且意味著秋天即將到來,從炎熱中得到解放近在咫尺。 命理和風水是中國文化中一個比較複雜的東西,它們根據人的生日和命盤等方面的不同內容,推算出人在不同時間的運勢和面對的各種問題。這篇文章中,Master Chiu Yanlong根據他的經驗和知識,預測了五個星座在大熱天氣期間運勢的好壞。然而,人的命運是由自己的行為和決定所影響的,相信命運預測只是提供一個參考和建議。 至於“大暑”節氣,它是中國二十四節氣之一,通常出現在北半球的7月23日或24日,這時候氣溫最高,達到了整個夏季的最高點,因此要做好防曬和保濕等措施,注意保持水分和健康。 總的來說,這篇文章通俗易懂,介紹了一個有趣的主題,但命運預測只是提供一個參考,在行動中才能實現自己的願望和目標。


Q1: According to Master Chiu Yenlung, how many zodiac signs will have booming fortunes during the Great Heat period? A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 Answer: C) 5 Q2: What is the Great Heat solar term? A) The first solar term of summer B) The last solar term of summer C) The first solar term of autumn D) The last solar term of autumn Answer: B) The last solar term of summer Q3: What does the arrival of the Great Heat mean? A) The weather will be cooler and less humid B) Autumn is already here C) Relief from the heat is just around the corner D) The weather will be even hotter and more humid Answer: D) The weather will be even hotter and more humid

Q1: According to Master Chiu Yenlung, how many zodiac signs will have booming fortunes during the Great Heat period? A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 Answer: C) 5 Q2: What is the Great Heat solar term? A) The first solar term of summer B) The last solar term of summer C) The first solar term of autumn D) The last solar term of autumn Answer: B) The last solar term of summer Q3: What does the arrival of the Great Heat mean? A) The weather will be cooler and less humid B) Autumn is already here C) Relief from the heat is just around the corner D) The weather will be even hotter and more humid Answer: D) The weather will be even hotter and more humid

Mater Yenlung Chiu pointed out that great heat is a season of mixed good and bad, but the five zodiac signs of snake, ox, dog, rabbit and monkey have good luck.  (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Mater Yenlung Chiu pointed out that great heat is a season of mixed good and bad, but the five zodiac signs of snake, ox, dog, rabbit and monkey have good luck.  (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

The "Great Heat" arrives on Sunday! Numerologist: The fortunes of the 5 zodiac signs are booming 

By Master Chiu Yanlong

This Sunday (23rd) is about to enter the last solar term of summer "Great Heat", which means that the weather will be even hotter and more humid, but it also means that autumn is not far away, and the relief from the heat is just around the corner. Master Chiu Yenlung, an international celestial numerology and Feng Shui expert, pointed out that great heat is a season of mixed good and bad, but the five zodiac signs of snake, ox, dog, rabbit and monkey have good luck. 

Master Chiu Yenlung said that during this period, those who belong to the snake have a bright side, and those who belong to the ox are suitable for forming good relationships. Those who belong to the dog are advised to improve their skills more. Those who belong to the rabbit should learn to control their emotions and good luck will come. Those who belong to monkey will have help from nobleman. Master Chiu Yenlung said that everything is neutral and it all depends on how you deal it. 

During the “Great Heat” (July 23rd to August 8th), the five zodiac signs with the strongest fortune are: 

Top5: Monkey 

Friends who belong to the monkey, the god of luck will be with you during this period, and you can get a group of noble people to help you as your inner energy is very strong. Although there are emergencies, as long as you remember to use softness to overcome strength, everything will be at your disposal. It is also a good thing even if it is just empty words or promises. 

Top4: Rabbit 

Friends who belong to the rabbit, although the plan will never keep up with the changes during this period, as long as you adjust your mentality and maintain a normal attitude. Do not let your mood  worry  fluctuate. Remember that the less emotional turbulent, the better your luck will be. 

In terms of investment, it is recommended to be cautious, not blind, and remember the word "stability". In the group, your reputation will soar rapidly, and at the same time, your opponents, customers, and other half will be proud of you and get a lot of recognition. 

Top3: Dog 

Friends who belong to the dog, improve your technical skills during this period, and you will surely succeed in the future. Although there is a short-term conflict with your opponent, but it is al actually all coming from yourself. Try not to bother. It is no need to escalate the situation. Remember, there will be partners to support you, and the less conflicts, the more wealth. Once you put your mind on career and study, you can fill your own purse. 

Top2: Ox 

Friends who belong to the ox, during this period, learn to speak properly, walk around, make more friends, form good relationships, and put your mind on work. With a pleasant attitude, you will make rapid progress in your career, and remember to use wisdom to solve problems, although things are unpredictable and you need to arrange to solve them. But they can all be resolved without too effort. There is a chance to become famous all over the world.Please grasp the fate. 

Top1: Snake 

Friends who belong to the snake, during this period, you can be loved by everyone in your circle. You will be naturally blooming, become the focus of people, and have a halo of glory, especially those who are in overseas or remote areas. You will be able to achieve some partial balance with competitors, partners, or significant other. Expenses are increasing, and money needs to be spent cautiously. In general, there is still uncertainity, but the future is still bright. 


Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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