Numerologist: 3 constellation smiling more can gain good luck





Q1: Which three planets will go retrograde on Wednesday? A) Mercury, Venus, Saturn B) Mars, Uranus, Neptune C) Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter D) Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto Correct answer: C) Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter Q2: What should people be careful about during this period? A) Contract failures and accidents related to electricity B) Health issues and travel delays C) Financial losses and relationship problems D) Natural disasters and political instability Correct answer: A) Contract failures and accidents related to electricity Q3: Which zodiac signs will have a prosperous period during this time? A) Aries, Cancer, Libra B) Taurus, Leo, Scorpio C) Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius D) Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces Correct answer: D) Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

Q1: Which three planets will go retrograde on Wednesday? A) Mercury, Venus, Saturn B) Mars, Uranus, Neptune C) Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter D) Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto Correct answer: C) Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter Q2: What should people be careful about during this period? A) Contract failures and accidents related to electricity B) Health issues and travel delays C) Financial losses and relationship problems D) Natural disasters and political instability Correct answer: A) Contract failures and accidents related to electricity Q3: Which zodiac signs will have a prosperous period during this time? A) Aries, Cancer, Libra B) Taurus, Leo, Scorpio C) Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius D) Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces Correct answer: D) Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that during the end of summer, Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter will retrograde one after another, forming a situation of three worries and one joy.  (Files Photo)

▲Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that during the end of summer, Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter will retrograde one after another, forming a situation of three worries and one joy.  (Files Photo)

On Wednesday, "Summer" Three starts will go retrograde! Numerologist: Three worries and one happiness, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces are prosperous

By Master Chiu Yanlong

Next Wednesday (8/23) will enter the end of summer heat.  Chiu Yenlung, an International Expert in Feng Shui and Numerology, reminds that during the end of summer, Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter will retrograde one after another, forming a situation of three worries and one joy. Be careful about contract failures, accidents related to electricity. There will be more people who are lazy and just lay flat and do nothing. It is best not to make any major decisions during this solar term, but smiling more can gain good luck, especially Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.

Master Chiu Yenlung analyzed that the Mercury retrograde will start on August 23rd and end on September 16th. Partners and clients are prone to emergencies, which lead to the need to re-sign contracts or renegotiate agreements. Pay attention to the situation of fund recovery or quota adjustments. The conditions negotiated during this period are prone to change, so it is not recommended to make conclusions on major decisions at this time.

Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that the second hidden worry is that Uranus will go retrograde on August 25th. During this period, electricity-related accidents are particularly prone to occur, such as traffic accidents, the Internet, telephone systems, electronic product malfunction, electric shocks, industrial safety accidents. Special attention should be paid to electric wires catching fire, water pipes, and gas pipes that are old and broken. The retrograde crisis will not be lifted until January 24, 2024.

Master Chiu Yenlung added that the third hidden worry is Jupiter retrograde, which will affect from September 1st till December 31st. During this period, the negative energy intensifies, and it is easy to encounter judicial injustice, arrogance, exaggeration, fallacy and debate. There is also a serious situation of laziness and lying flat, and the shocks in the financial and banking industries also need to be careful.

Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that the good news is that Venus will end its retrograde motion on September 4th, which will bring positive motivation and enthusiasm, and make the work a little lucky. Not only can you smile more to get good luck, but listening to more happy music can also help you. Industries such as entertainment, art, music, and activities can have good performance and achievements.

Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces are the constellations with strong luck during the summer season. Master Chiu Yenlung analyzed that Virgo who owns the stage is the time to negotiate and show himself, and has the potential to get promoted and make a fortune. Capricorn is suitable for overseas development or higher education learning. It can increase a lot of wisdom and knowledge, and career expansion will also have good results. Pisces can learn a lot of experience and knowledge during this period, which can pave the way for future financial success. Although good things take time, they will eventually come true.

The most special thing is that Master Chiu Yenlung said that during the summer period, the memory and technology of the previous life are particularly easy to be awakened. As long as the karma is perfect, the memory will emerge, but the blessing or the misfortune varies from person to person.

Master Chiu Yenlung also used the hexagram "Yilin Tunzhi Litigation": "Nijin is insulting, abandoning donations and ditching." Laughing and crying together, will not be recorded in the end. 』To explain the people and things encountered during the summer heat, right from wrong, good from bad, it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong. It belongs to the mixed solar terms and fortune. It is also a process that makes people laugh and cry. There is no need to fight for right or wrong. Everything depends on the situation .

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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