文 / Money錢
本文介紹,巴菲特在2013年,接受今日美國報(US TODAY)專訪的內容摘要。
應避免的錯誤一:試圖擇時進出 (Trying to time the market.)
原文如下:"People that think they can predict the short-term movement of the stock market — or listen to other people who talk about (timing the market) — they are making a big mistake," says Buffett.
應避免的錯誤二:試圖模仿高頻率交易者 ( Trying to mimic high-frequency traders.)
原文如下:Buying stock in a good business and hanging on for the long term, he says, is a better strategy than flipping stocks like a short-order cook flips pancakes.
"If they are trading actively, they are making a big mistake," Buffett says.
應避免的錯誤三:支付太多佣金與費用(Paying too much in fees and expenses.)
There's no reason to pay an expensive management fee to invest in a mutual fund when super-low-cost index funds that mimic large indexes like the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index are available, he says.
"If they are incurring large expenses in connection with their investing," says Buffett, "they are making a big mistake."
原文在此 https://www.moneynet.com.tw/article/11638?utm_source=setntoday
艾蜜莉不私藏分享:用3特性挑生活投資好股票 https://reurl.cc/e8d4YW