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Women’s Fortune is better than men’s during “LI XIA”


這篇文章主要是根據著名風水命理師邱彥龍的觀點,講解了即將到來的立夏所帶來的影響。他指出由於冥王星、木星和地球形成直角,較容易讓惡劣勢力影響財富和利益,因此需要特別注意。此外,在六月初,太陽、天王星和海王星也會加入其中,形成破壞性的能量,對全球經濟產生影響。 文章同時也提到了13個行業的發展???朝?。這篇文章對於風水命理?和星象相關的內容?行了?述,不?需要注意的是,?些??并不能被?作确定的真相,而是建?人?多加留意,因??些??均是基于超自然的信仰和理?上的,需要??的科???和??。?体??,?者可以?中了解到??的??,但不能迷信,要保持理性,不要因?宗教、迷信影?到生活。

這篇文章主要是根據著名風水命理師邱彥龍的觀點,講解了即將到來的立夏所帶來的影響。他指出由於冥王星、木星和地球形成直角,較容易讓惡劣勢力影響財富和利益,因此需要特別注意。此外,在六月初,太陽、天王星和海王星也會加入其中,形成破壞性的能量,對全球經濟產生影響。 文章同時也提到了13個行業的發展???朝?。這篇文章對於風水命理?和星象相關的內容?行了?述,不?需要注意的是,?些??并不能被?作确定的真相,而是建?人?多加留意,因??些??均是基于超自然的信仰和理?上的,需要??的科???和??。?体??,?者可以?中了解到??的??,但不能迷信,要保持理性,不要因?宗教、迷信影?到生活。


Q1:What is Li Xia? A. The beginning of winter B. The beginning of summer C. The beginning of spring Answer: B. The beginning of summer Q2: What zodiac sign is advised to do well during Li Xia? A. Taurus B. Pisces C. Gemini Answer: B. Pisces Q3: How many industries will be more prosperous during Li Xia? A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 Answer: C. 13

Q1:What is Li Xia? A. The beginning of winter B. The beginning of summer C. The beginning of spring Answer: B. The beginning of summer Q2: What zodiac sign is advised to do well during Li Xia? A. Taurus B. Pisces C. Gemini Answer: B. Pisces Q3: How many industries will be more prosperous during Li Xia? A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 Answer: C. 13

Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that since Li Xia begins, Pluto, Jupiter and Earth form as an right angle. . (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that since Li Xia begins, Pluto, Jupiter and Earth form as an right angle. . (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

“LI XIA”This coming Saturday is The Start of Summer! Women’s Fortune is better than men’s, and 13 industries will be more prosperous. Pisces, Aries, and Cancer can do well

By Master Chiu Yanlong

This Saturday (5/6) is about to start "Li Xia/beginning of summer". The International Celestial Feng Shui numerology expert Master Chiu Yenlung reminded that since Li Xia begins, Pluto, Jupiter and Earth form as an right angle. It is easier for villains to influence wealth and interests. On top of that, Sun, Uranus and Earth are in one line (ie Sun, Uranus and Earth are in same line, but Uranus is between Sun and earth). Regardless countries or entrepreneurs, they will start to make strategic adjustments in response to sudden changes in the general economic environment and move towards a new economic era. In addition, the Mercury retrograde will end on May 16, which is favorable to the development of 13 industries, and during the period of Lixia, women's fortune will be better than men's.

Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that during these 16 days of the Lixia solar terms (5/6-5/21), Sun will be in line with Uranus and Earth, and the countries, governments, big entrepreneurs, and powerful economists will make big strategies for sudden changes in the world economic environment Adjustment and layout, a new atmosphere is about to begin. Master Chiu Yenlung suggested that with the end of the old economic era, individuals are also very suitable to get rid of old concepts and improve themselves, but because Pluto, Jupiter and Earth form right angle, there will be more villains that affect their wealth and interests, so we must pay special attention. Fortunately, this wave of villains is not very lethal.

Master Chiu Yenlung quoted the hexagram "Yilin · Tunzhili" and said: "Yin turns into Yang, and women turn into men." The way of governance is smooth, and the monarch and ministers inherit each other. 』To explain the change of fortune during the beginning of summer, Master Chiu Yenlung said that yang changes to yin, and yin turns to yang, which means that the weak become stronger. Women have better luck than men. Especially those whose star signs are Pisces, Aries, and Cancer, it is good period to show their talents.

In addition, Master Chiu Yenlung also pointed out that Mercury retrograde will end on May 16, and 13 industries will also start to have good fortune, which is conducive to the accumulation of wealth, including culture, art, publishing, music, painting, entertainment, hardware, construction , real estate, mining, manufacturing, news media, and import and export trade and other related industries. All these businesses can make progress.

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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