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Today is "Xiaoman"! These 4 zodiac signs can reverse their fates


這篇文章是一篇有關風水學和命理學的報導。其中提到了“逍遙曼日”這個日期以及風水命理學家邱燕龍大師的預測。邱燕龍大師表示,在逍遙曼日這個時候,運勢轉換的機會很好,而豬、猴、蛇和狗四個屬相的人在這個節氣中將會是運勢最強的人。從文章的文法和語言運用來看,這是一篇很簡潔明了的報導,並沒有過多的修辭花語和難懂的專業術語。 在風水學和命理學的領域中,邱燕龍大師可以算是一位知名的專家了。對於一些相信這些領域的人來說,這篇文章可以給他們提供一些有關逍遙曼日和運勢轉換的信息。不過,對於那些對這些領域不太感興趣或是持懷疑態度的人來說,這篇文章可能並不能引起他們太多的關注。 總體來說,這篇文章是一篇比較中性的報導。它把邱燕龍大師的預測和建議簡明扼要地呈現出來,讓讀者可以快速了解到相關的信息。不過,如果要從更深層次的分析來看待逍遙曼日和運勢轉換的問題,這篇文章可能還需要更多的探討和討論。

這篇文章是一篇有關風水學和命理學的報導。其中提到了“逍遙曼日”這個日期以及風水命理學家邱燕龍大師的預測。邱燕龍大師表示,在逍遙曼日這個時候,運勢轉換的機會很好,而豬、猴、蛇和狗四個屬相的人在這個節氣中將會是運勢最強的人。從文章的文法和語言運用來看,這是一篇很簡潔明了的報導,並沒有過多的修辭花語和難懂的專業術語。 在風水學和命理學的領域中,邱燕龍大師可以算是一位知名的專家了。對於一些相信這些領域的人來說,這篇文章可以給他們提供一些有關逍遙曼日和運勢轉換的信息。不過,對於那些對這些領域不太感興趣或是持懷疑態度的人來說,這篇文章可能並不能引起他們太多的關注。 總體來說,這篇文章是一篇比較中性的報導。它把邱燕龍大師的預測和建議簡明扼要地呈現出來,讓讀者可以快速了解到相關的信息。不過,如果要從更深層次的分析來看待逍遙曼日和運勢轉換的問題,這篇文章可能還需要更多的探討和討論。


Q1: According to Master Chiu Yanlong, when is a good time to transfer fate? A. On Xiaoman day B. During the solar terms change C. During the winter solstice Answer: B Q2: Which four zodiac signs are said to have the strongest fortune during the solar term from 5/21 to 6/6? A. Monkey, Rooster, Rabbit, Horse B. Pig, Monkey, Snake, Dog C. Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Sheep Answer: B Q3: What did Master Chiu Yanlong say about Xiaoman? A. It is a small thing that is not significant. B. It is a good time to transfer fate. C. It is a zodiac sign with strong fortune. Answer: A (Master Chiu Yanlong mentioned that Xiaoman is a small thing but full.)

Q1: According to Master Chiu Yanlong, when is a good time to transfer fate? A. On Xiaoman day B. During the solar terms change C. During the winter solstice Answer: B Q2: Which four zodiac signs are said to have the strongest fortune during the solar term from 5/21 to 6/6? A. Monkey, Rooster, Rabbit, Horse B. Pig, Monkey, Snake, Dog C. Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Sheep Answer: B Q3: What did Master Chiu Yanlong say about Xiaoman? A. It is a small thing that is not significant. B. It is a good time to transfer fate. C. It is a zodiac sign with strong fortune. Answer: A (Master Chiu Yanlong mentioned that Xiaoman is a small thing but full.)

Mater Yenlung Chiu said that during 5/6-5/21, people who were born under these three zodiac signs, their fortune will increase with the hot weather. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Mater Yenlung Chiu said that during 5/6-5/21, people who were born under these three zodiac signs, their fortune will increase with the hot weather. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

"Xiaoman" arrives on Sunday. Numerologist: These 4 zodiac signs can reverse their fates

By Master Chiu Yanlong

Welcome to Xiaoman this Sunday (21st). The international Tianxing Fengshui numerology expert Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that for those who are Xiaoman, even things are so small, but they are full. Master Chiu Yenlung said that whenever the solar terms change, it is a good time to transfer fate, and the zodiac pig, monkey, snake, and dog will be the four zodiac signs with the strongest fortune in this solar term (5/21-6/6), please grasp.

Top4: dog

Friends whose zodiac signs are dog, during this period, the perception is very strong, and the spiritual level can be greatly improved. Although positive and partial wealth are weak, as long as you keep your wealth, it means you will gain wealth. Young girls can make you happy and bring you happiness. They are also as a good luck to make money, but remember that the only way to make money is to receive but not pay.

Top3: Snake

Friends whose zodiac signs are snake, during this period, everything can be easily solved. With the help of noble people, as long as you add some wisdom and positive energy as a principal. Grasp your own prosperity and make full use of it. You will become the center of focus in no time. It is also easy to get money in a different place or on the Internet, which will bring good harvest.

Top2: Monkey

Friends whose zodiac signs are monkey, during this period, the fame will explode, but do keep a low profile. Although you encounter many changes, you can solve them easily according to your ingenuity and reaction. Remember, the main goal is "stability" .

Top1: Pig

Friends whose zodiac signs are pig, during this period, you will be very popular and have a strong sixth sense of making money. There will be some problems at work that you need to come forward to settle. Do not sit back because it will help you improve self-ability in the future, and it will be a good test and challenge. In addition, remember to drive slowly and speak slowly, and don't respond too hastily. You can turn bad luck into good fortune.

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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