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圖、文/無國界醫生(MSF Taiwan)

在剛果民主共和國(下簡稱剛果),無國界醫生(Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières,簡稱MSF)正在為馬塔迪(Matadi)全市人口接種疫苗,同時也在金夏沙(Kinshasa)和中剛果省(Kongo Central province)提供治療和開展控制黃熱病病媒的工作(消滅蚊子)。在安哥拉,無國界醫生正在協助衛生部治療病人。



在剛果民主共和國,自2月底以來,共確認了48起病例。 病者大多數人是從安哥拉歸國,但是其中有三個本土案例(本地傳播的),分別在金夏沙、中剛果省及在安哥拉邊境的廣哥河省(Kwango)被發現。

在中剛果省首府馬塔迪,無國界醫生的團隊於5月26日為當地35萬名居民展開了疫苗接種活動,這是剛果衛生部針對200萬名目標人群開展項目的一部分。這一計劃覆蓋了金夏沙的兩個衛生區域和中剛果省九個衛生地區。無國界醫生也與衛生部合作,在金夏沙和中剛果地區開展了控制病媒的措施。這些工作的目標是對抗埃及斑蚊——即黃熱病的傳播媒介,包括向房屋噴灑或煙熏藥物以殺滅成年蚊子、 清理垃圾和藏有死水的物品等可供蚊子繁殖、產卵的地方。




無國界醫生緊急統籌法加 (Elisabetta Maria Faga)說:「為消除疾病蔓延的風險,至關重要的是時刻保持警惕及能夠隨時應對。黃熱病沒有針對的治療方法,通過有針對性的疫苗接種和媒介控制措施進行預防,目前仍然是對抗黃熱病的最佳武器。」



無國界醫生已派遣70人,分成多個隊伍前往安哥拉,提供診斷和治療,同時也幫助培訓該國醫療人員進行病例管理。無國界醫生也支援落實應對疾病的國家方案和疫苗接種預備工作。安哥拉截至目前已錄得2,420起疑似病例(其中298人死亡)和 736例確診病例, 其中僅在魯安達就多達459宗確診病例,其餘確診病例分布在其他13個省份。安哥拉衛生部正在各省開展大規模疫苗接種項目,也已在羅安達完成了一個接種項目。



MSF teams help curb yellow fever in Angola and DRC

In the DRC, MSF is vaccinating the entire population of the city of Matadi, while treatment and yellow fever vector control activities (destruction of the mosquitos) are under way in Kinshasa and in Kongo Central province. In Angola, MSF is supporting the Ministry of Health in treating patients.

Following the outbreak of yellow fever in Angola in December and the subsequent confirmation of dozens of cases in the DRC, MSF teams were deployed in both countries to help contain the spread of the disease. On May 19, the World Health Organization found that the outbreak, though serious and of grave concern, does not currently constitute a public health emergency of international concern. Deploying the highly effective yellow fever vaccine is key to prevent further spread, and the limited supply of the vaccine must be used efficiently.

In the DRC, 48 cases have been confirmed since the end of February. The majority are among people arriving from Angola, but three indigenous cases (locally transmitted ) were also identified in Kinshasa and in Kongo Central and Kwango provinces, on the Angolan border.

In Matadi, the capital of Kongo Central, MSF teams on 26 May launched a vaccination campaign intended for its 350,000 residents, as part of the Congolese Ministry of Health (MoH) programme aimed at a target population of two million people. This single programme covers two health districts in Kinshasa and nine health districts in Kongo Central. Also in cooperation with the Health Ministry, MSF has launched vector control measures in Kinshasa and Kongo Central.

These activities are intended to combat the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the carriers of yellow fever. Homes are being sprayed or fumigated to kill adult mosquitoes and destroy breeding sites such as refuse or items containing stagnant water, where the mosquito lays its eggs. These activities are being carried out in locations where cases have been confirmed and in vulnerable locations such as hospitals, schools and markets.

MSF is also treating patients, providing medical supplies to identified health centres and training staff in yellow fever treatment.

“To eliminate any risk of the disease spreading, it is vital to be vigilant and responsive,” says Elisabetta Maria Faga, MSF emergency coordinator. “There is no specific treatment for yellow fever. Prevention through targeted vaccination and vector control measures therefore remains the best weapon against the disease.”

Treating people in Angola

Since mid-February MSF has been working in collaboration with Angola’s MoH, supporting yellow fever case management. MSF teams are also directly treating yellow fever patients in the capital, Luanda (Kapalanga hospital), as well as in Huambo, Huila and Benguela provinces. To date, MSF has treated 299 patients.

MSF has deployed 70 people in different teams in Angola to provide diagnostics and treatment, as well as training national medical staff in case management. MSF is also supporting the implementation of the national protocol responding to the disease and vaccination preparedness.  Angola has so far reported 2,420 suspected cases (including 298 deaths), with 736 confirmed cases. Of the confirmed cases, 459 were in Luanda alone, with the rest in 13 other provinces. Angola’s MoH is conducting a mass vaccination campaign in the provinces, having already concluded a campaign in Luanda.

Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. The ‘yellow’ in the name refers to the jaundice that affects some patients. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the principal vector of yellow fever, which also transmits dengue, chikungunya and Zika. There is no treatment for yellow fever and vaccination is the most effective method of prevention. Symptoms include fever, headache and muscle pain, with some patients experiencing a more severe phase of high fever and internal bleeding. Up to 50% of severely affected patients die within 14 days, according to the World Health Organization.

GCS 2024 夏季例行賽W5D2-2024/09/22《Garena 傳說對決》
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