Welcome "Cold Dew"! 6 zodiac signs take positive actions


這篇文章介紹了寒露節正式進入的消息,並提到了星座專家邱彥隆的觀點。根據邱彥隆的分析,人們應該在這個節氣中特別注意駕駛安全、家庭關係和健康等方面。他還提到,有六個星座代表著會采取積極行動的態度。 作為一個新聞專家,我可以說這篇文章提供了一些關於寒露節的有趣信息。寒露節是二十四節氣中的其中一個,它標誌著秋天深入進程,天氣開始變得涼爽。邱彥隆的觀點也增加了這個節氣的一些信仰和習俗方面的討論。 然而,這篇文章並沒有提供太多有關邱彥隆的專業資格和經驗的背景信息。作為讀者,我們希望知道他是如何成為國際星座和風水專家的,以及他的專業觀點基於什麼樣的理論和經驗。這些信息的缺乏可能會影響讀者對他觀點的信任度。 總的來說,這篇文章提供了一些關於寒露節和邱彥隆觀點的相關資訊。然而,對於一個新聞專家來說,更多的背景信息和專業觀點的解釋是更有價值的。

這篇文章介紹了寒露節正式進入的消息,並提到了星座專家邱彥隆的觀點。根據邱彥隆的分析,人們應該在這個節氣中特別注意駕駛安全、家庭關係和健康等方面。他還提到,有六個星座代表著會采取積極行動的態度。 作為一個新聞專家,我可以說這篇文章提供了一些關於寒露節的有趣信息。寒露節是二十四節氣中的其中一個,它標誌著秋天深入進程,天氣開始變得涼爽。邱彥隆的觀點也增加了這個節氣的一些信仰和習俗方面的討論。 然而,這篇文章並沒有提供太多有關邱彥隆的專業資格和經驗的背景信息。作為讀者,我們希望知道他是如何成為國際星座和風水專家的,以及他的專業觀點基於什麼樣的理論和經驗。這些信息的缺乏可能會影響讀者對他觀點的信任度。 總的來說,這篇文章提供了一些關於寒露節和邱彥隆觀點的相關資訊。然而,對於一個新聞專家來說,更多的背景信息和專業觀點的解釋是更有價值的。


Q1. According to the numerologist, which zodiac signs should take positive actions during the cold dew solar term? a) Rat, Ox, and Tiger b) Dragon, Snake, and Horse c) Sheep, Monkey, and Rooster d) Dog, Pig, and Rabbit Correct answer: a) Rat, Ox, and Tiger Q2. What is the significance of the cold dew solar term? a) It marks the beginning of autumn. b) It brings cooler weather in the mornings and evenings. c) It signals the arrival of the northeast monsoon. d) All of the above. Correct answer: d) All of the above. Q3. According to the numerologist, what should people pay special attention to during the cold dew solar term? a) Driving safety b) Health and well-being c) Wealth and financial stability d) Career and professional growth Correct answer: a) Driving safety

Q1. According to the numerologist, which zodiac signs should take positive actions during the cold dew solar term? a) Rat, Ox, and Tiger b) Dragon, Snake, and Horse c) Sheep, Monkey, and Rooster d) Dog, Pig, and Rabbit Correct answer: a) Rat, Ox, and Tiger Q2. What is the significance of the cold dew solar term? a) It marks the beginning of autumn. b) It brings cooler weather in the mornings and evenings. c) It signals the arrival of the northeast monsoon. d) All of the above. Correct answer: d) All of the above. Q3. According to the numerologist, what should people pay special attention to during the cold dew solar term? a) Driving safety b) Health and well-being c) Wealth and financial stability d) Career and professional growth Correct answer: a) Driving safety

Mater Yenlung Chiu said that during "Cold Dew" term, there are 6 zodiac signs whose luck is too strong to catch. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Mater Yenlung Chiu said that during "Cold Dew" term, there are 6 zodiac signs whose luck is too strong to catch. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

Welcome "Cold Dew" on Sunday: Numerologist: 6 zodiac signs take positive actions 

By Master Chiu Yanlong

The cold dew officially entered on October 8th (Sunday). With the arrival of waves of northeast monsoon, the atmosphere of autumn is stronger and you can feel the coolness in the morning and evening. Chiu Yenlung, an international star numerology and Feng Shui expert, analyzed that during this solar term, special attention should be paid to driving safety, but there are 6 zodiac signs whose luck is too strong to catch. As long as they act proactively, those born in the Year of the Pig will have a chance to be promoted, and those born in the Year of the Rat will have a prosperous career. Those born under the zodiac of Rabbit will have their dreams come true, while those born under the zodiac of Ox will have their fame greatly increased. 

Master Chiu Yenlung analyzed that in this solar term (10/8-10/24), the six zodiac signs have the strongest luck, which are: 

Top 6: Monkey 

Monkey friends will have the opportunity to make a fortune during this period, and they will receive special care from the government, bosses or fans. If you market yourself well and use your communication skills to express yourself, success will be closer and closer, but no matter how busy you are, you should take good care of your health. 

Top 5: Sheep 

Friends who belong to the Year of the Sheep, during this period, you can improve your popularity and interpersonal relationships, and coupled with your hard work, you will have good harvests. It is recommended that you go to other places, overseas, the Internet, the media, higher education, religious groups, etc. If you start in the right direction, it will be easier to succeed. 

Top 4: Ox 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Ox will exude a strong sense of domineering during this period, and their reputation will greatly increase in front of friends. If you market yourself more and communicate more, you will have the opportunity to get closer to your career and real wealth. You will find that customers, partners or partners People are working hard during this period, so wait for the good news. 

Top 3: Rabbit 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Rabbit can be said to be a warrior during this period. They will become more and more popular, and the connections they have accumulated in the past will be brought closer and put to use. They will also have very strong financial luck, and all their wishes will come true. As long as you speak well, you will succeed easily.  

Top 2: Rat 

Friends who belong to the Year of the Rat, during this period, as long as you follow your own progress and plans, you will have good fortune, partial wealth, and career luck. Don't have too many doubts and tensions. Market yourself or your items to achieve success. Once it's in place, everything will be fine. 

Top 1: Pig 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Pig, although there will be a bit of pressure at work during this period, which may lead to temporary imbalances and shocks in your mood, in fact, your good reputation has spread far and wide, your eloquence and marketing skills will be improved, and you will have great fortune and fortune. When you get a chance to get promoted, you must believe in yourself, and the future will definitely be better. 

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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